Friday, January 3, 2014

A Nice Face

He told her that her face is nice.
His words were bricks in blocks.
And no whisper could warm their coolness.
They sat like cute puppies,
recorded from a distance and projected
on the thin strip of air between his lips
and her cheek
was warm and waxy in a way that melted past his mouth and melded moment to moment like going home to the same couch that he spent every christmas evening on, lying down, squinting his eyes at familiar lights. his eyes were closed when he pressed his lips against her face, but she took him in and wrapped him up and he saw lights seep quietly to the edges of his skin. she was warm and her pores breathed a blanket that bathed him and made it so easy to sit within her.
And then he backed away an inch.
And told her that her face is nice.

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