Friday, January 3, 2014

While I was washing dishes

While I was washing dishes
the cat jumped on my back
You were not there to see it
You’ll just have to believe me when I say

It happened like this:

There I am washing dishes
It is the first day of the new year and I’m unsure-
            -how to feel
            -what to do
            -how special, how ordinary
             11 a.m. should be
And then it comes upon me—
The dishes! A manageable little disaster of
crusted oatmeal and coffee grinds, yesterday’s
remnants of fried egg, a still-moist dish rag
under the drying rack, and also
the easy incremental fixing of things,
a good excuse for getting my hands warm and wet
Overall it’s my favorite chore …

And then it happened!

The cat,
from down below his eyes fixated
on both shoulders
darting back and forth,
the way animals make their calculations—how unmistakably
right their every move,
his back haunches
ready for take off
and then like a child’s winding toy unhinged from its springs
flying cat!
All 11 lbs and more than 5 feet of air
Landing just so in an acrobatic embrace
One front mitten
(all 7 toes—you must know that my cat has gentle, giant, cartoon-lion paws, all love and soft as cashmere)
tucked precariously in the crook of my neck
the other, like a delicate caress on my left shoulder
and those powerful hind legs wrapped
around the smallest part of my waist, as a child
attaches to its mother,
defying gravity
with tender trust and affection

I bend slightly to his desire
to be near me—and also because
I like having him here—and
I wonder at you seeing me
Here in this hunched over position
This beast now curled in a perfect C
around my shoulders
(did I mention how good looking he is?)

And I’m reminded of that time
a few weeks ago
at that holiday party
where I didn’t know anybody, talking with
two family men about gardening projects—
me, the most fashionable in tights and a glittered dress
and that slender single aura
as I negotiate conversation space with distracted parents—
someone else’s small child wandering through the forest of adult legs
encountered mine
and rested there
her arms encircling my leg
pudgy cheek just above my knee
And I thought—
quiet everyone—
just a moment please—
let her rest here just a little longer

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