Monday, January 6, 2014

New Stand South Stand

I last stood in the South Stand which last stood 13 years ago.
I've never thought about taking you there and now that I do 
we are skimming the terrace like stones
and singing Scarborough Fair 
whilst performing a singularly impossible task,
that is finding a decent view of both goals.
This really is impossible since the stadium has filled so quickly.

In truth, I'd avoid the supporter's pub like the plague and stand alone,
and the stadium would not fill quickly, if at all.
Half an hour's wages spaffed on a programme.
Chairman setting himself an impossible task,
manager setting the team an impossible task.
Piss drying on the inside of my trouser leg,
pissing, an impossible task.

My impossible task to perform for you,
not that you have asked for it,
is to describe how Cutter's Choice mingles with Bovril
and just hangs there.
A brown cloud,
Wader's crosses will never get too out of shape,
or float too high to test the limit of this operational ceiling,
that and the gathering storm clouds.

I'll never ask you to be infused in Bovril steam
or to make me a football shirt without a seam or needlework,
they are unreasonable tasks.

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