Thursday, January 16, 2014


     glow melted
gold through the
trees this thick amber
honey sun dripping off
the hemlock is catching
my eye the way my hips
move like this
and that
and you notice
     there is that seal pup who
has bobbed his head and readjusted
his luscious body to
match the rhythm of our shifts
on bald rock face or
so it feels but maybe that
is a selfish thought.
    the puckering scent of
white vinegar as it boils
to make
pickles for us to eat standing late
at night on one foot with the fridge
door wide open and giggling i
have already created this narrative, please
me and this eye stinging smell
     i did not quite know what was next as
we hiked up the trails strewn with
cedar boughs and
took in the moisture from every shade
of moss as it soaked into my socks
I noticed the ripped apart wings of
some seagull who transgressed in
the path of some lucky eagle (we saw eight)
(maybe nine)
aren't we all sort of this
I crouch and try
not to pee on my shoe and notice how that
sweet 5pm light
all time before it evanesce.

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