Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Buddy's Last Night

Shattered old man oh brother oh cat,
great big beast got squashed and whittled
away to domestic thumping, thunk, thunk,
can barely jump and then another decade;
tomorrow, mother, is the day.
Is life delight in food? A new moist block of mush
when all these years have been so dry?
My grandma turned to milkshakes in the end,
and in so doing did she linger well?
Too late to ask, at night, in life
oh old dear thing, was brought to us, to multiply, to vanish
prepare us through cars and wolves
and wanderings-off
to see the bringer go forever
but this old thing he crawled on back, forgot his role
too warm in his wide chest to sink down in the road
and teach us to let go.

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