Monday, January 6, 2014


What?! I thought he liked Sarah.
The injustice. 

I had too too short bangs that I cut while I was watching TV

and he told me he was moving to Florida

I put my hands around his throat one time
One day Dawn Malone kicked me and I knew what it felt like

Then I gave up on him ever coming back

I kicked him in the shins as hard as I could all day every day
I also wore a white fringed cowboy shirt and blue jeans

Daniel Zeringue gave me his favorite pencil
And one night I saw him at the roller rink.

Ramone told me in the lunch line that Dan had always liked me
I wore matching tie dye t-shirt shorts combos and a flowered vest

I also wore my mom's Venice blouse with the keyhole buttons
She said my mom was ugly
His eyes were pale blue
and I got moved to another table

I wore my broken heart for 4 more years
It was soft warm velvet

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